(256) 261 – 2826
1105 Eagletree Lane SE, Huntsville AL 35801
(256) 261 – 2826
1105 Eagletree Lane SE, Huntsville AL 35801

That's normal:

You feel minor pain or soreness at the biopsy site and discomfort or a dull pain in your shoulders or back.


Can resume daily activities and eating immediately.


Call 256-261-2826 or proceed to the nearest Emergency Room if you experience:
  • Sudden onset of severe abdominal pain, nausea and/or vomiting.
  • Pass more than blood-streaked stool.
  • Have a temperature of 101°F or greater for 24 hours that do not improve with OTC Tylenol.
How to prepare for
the procedure
How the procedure
is performed
asked question
and procedures

Want to meet with one
of our medical professionals?

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